東京女子大学 現代教養学部 国際英語学科 国際英語専攻

サラ・リー准教授 Sarah LEE

Second Language Writing, CLIL

As an undergraduate student, I studied fine art and French language and literature, writing my French graduation thesis on the nouveau roman. As a graduate student, my studies shifted toward education and teaching, leading to the completion of an MA in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in TESOL. For twenty years, I have taught ESL and EFL in a variety of higher education settings in the US and Japan. My teaching specializations are second language writing and content-based integrated-skills English courses, in subjects including American Studies, Film Studies, and Art History. My current research explores the intersection between mindset, motivation, and creative-self-efficacy, with a focus on implications for language learning and teaching.

In my free time, I read widely and write. I enjoy collaborating with my daughter on art and craft projects, spending time in nature, and traveling.